Enemy Planes FREE w/ Email RSVP HERE

Enemy Planes FREE w/ Email RSVP HERE

Join us Wednesday August 23, 2017 for Commune TWIN CITIES 2 Year Anniversary @ Turf Club Featuring: ENEMY PLANES & MORE.

< < FREE > > w/ email RSVP below.  

**Tickets will be emailed out  24-48 hours after sign up. If you do not receive your ticket please email Jenny at info@jointhecommune.com. Also, as a reminder, tickets do not guarantee entry and entry is still based on a first come first serve basis accordingly to venue capacity. SHOW at 8PM. 

 Full event lineup here.

Lumerians Free w/ EMAIL RSVP HERE

Lumerians Free w/ EMAIL RSVP HERE

COMMUNE DIGS July 24 - 31

COMMUNE DIGS July 24 - 31